Deduction- From Writing to Concept
Jun 25 - Aug 07, 2016
"From writing to concept" is the prime feature of the contemporary development of Chinese characters. We can observe, in works of Inoue Yuichi, the spirituality of Chinese character when it transcends the norm and tradition. In comparing "Shu Xiang" (Image of Characters) of Chinese characters with western abstractism, the works of Wei Ligang bring to our attention the potential of Chinese characters in constructing image, which is thoroughly exhibited in the depth and width of Wei's works. Chen Guangwu introduces conceptual thinking into writing: how to exhibit art among the entanglement of the black and white in ink painting, and of Yin and Yang of the world? Cheng Puyun is more inclined to restore the strokes of Chinese characters - to present the image built by every "enchanted" stroke in writing. Is that the voice of Nature? Gu Wenda combines ..... -
Post-80s Generation’s Modernism
Jan 09 - Mar 06, 2016
The artistic styles of the seven artists invited are all uniquely different from one another. The only point of similarity is that they were all born after 1980 and have all chosen easel painting as their primary method of creation for the realization of modern art. During their journey in creating and using painting as a language, these young artists born after the 1980s, have managed to present their stories from their constant artistic explorations with strongly unique methods of expression, to enrich the different aspects of modern art, and bring the audience a new, refreshing visual experience.