2016年9月23 - 24日
Ecologies of Art
A Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art Debate
An international conference on 23–24 September, 2016 SOAS University of LondonBrunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
23 September Looking at Painting and Art Practice
9:20 Registration
9:50 Welcome
Shane McCausland, SOAS University of London 馬嘯鴻教授 / 亞非學院
10:00 Keynote Lecture I: Modern Chinese Art and the Cosmopolitan
Craig Clunas, University of Oxford 柯律格教授 / 牛津大學
Panel 1: Subjects and Practice
Chair: Nancy Berliner, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 白鈴安 / 波士頓美術館
10:45 Jiang Eshi (1913–1972): Traveller between Two Worlds
UtaRahman-Steinert, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche, Museen zu
Berlin Uta Rahman-Steinert / 柏林亞洲博物館
11:10 Revisiting Ink Art: The Legacy of 1980s Activism
Sarah E. Fraser, University of Heidelberg 胡素馨 / 海德堡大學
11:35 Hong Ling’s Art: The Literati Tradition Congenial to Modern Tastes
David Teh-yuWang, University of Taipei 王德育 / 臺北大學
12:00 Russia in Twentieth Century Chinese Art
Shelagh Vainker, Ashmolean Museum 馬熙樂 / 牛津艾什莫連美術館
12:25 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A
12:55 Lunch Break
Panel 2: Locating Line, Colour and Form
Chair: Craig Clunas, University of Oxford 柯律格 / 牛津大學
13:55 Chinese‘Bone’, Western‘Flesh’-The Paintings of Hong Ling
Zhu Ling, Lyonand Turnbull 朱玲 / Lyon and Turnbull 專家
14:20 The Crisis with Colour: Rethinking the Nationalization of Chinese Oil Painting
Yi Gu,University of Toronto 顧伊 / 多倫多大學
14:45 Capturing the Human Form: Life Classes in Early-twentieth-century China
Tian S. Liang, SOAS University of London 梁天爽 / 亞非學院
15:10 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A
15:40 Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 3: Regional Aspects of Modern Art
Chair: NixiCura, Christie's Education London 黃巧巧 / 倫敦佳士得學院
16:10 Charting the Landscape: Ink Painting, Photographic Realism and Visual Truth in Yu Jianhua’s TravelAlbums
Juliane Noth, Freie Universität Berlin 尤莉 / 柏林自由大學
16:35 Mediating Modernism-The Bifurcating Brush of Wu Guanzhong and the Twenty-first Century ‘New’ Painting
Yin Hwang, National University of Singapore 黃韻 / 新加坡國立大學
17:00 Object Script: Situating Contemporary Calligraphic Art from Vietnam
Pamela Nguyen Corey, SOAS University of London 柯瑞 / 亞非學院
17:25 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A
17:55 Day one ends
18:00 Drinks Reception (for all registered delegates) Brunei Suite (ground floor)
24 September Contemporary Art World and Institutional Borders
9:55 Welcome Back
Shane McCausland, SOAS University of London 馬嘯鴻 / 亞非學院
10:00 Keynote Lecture II: A Drop in the Ocean: How Did a Seascape Make Waves in China and Beyond?
Eugene Y. Wang, Harvard University 汪悅進 / 哈佛大學
Panel 4: Perspectives on Contemporary Art
Chair: PaulGladston, University of Nottingham Paul Gladston / 諾丁漢大學
10:45 How Do We Evaluate Chinese Abstract Art?
Wang Chunchen, CAFA Art Museum 王春辰 / 中央美院美術館
11:10 Zhang Huan: Spring Poppy Fields No. 31
Malcolm McNeill, Victoria and Albert Museum 莫肯梅 / V&A
11:35 Moving Mountains: The Potential of Collaborative Projects
Laia Manonelles Moner, University of Barcelona Laia Manonelles Moner / 巴塞羅那大學
12:00 Curating Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibitions in French Museums from 1933 to 2003
Eric Lefebvre, Musée Cernuschi 易凱 / 巴黎賽努奇美術館
12:25 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A
12: 55 Lunch Break (lunch provided for speakers and chairs)
Panel 5: Space and Display of Contemporary Art
Chair: JanStuart, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery 司美茵 / 佛利爾美術館
13:55 Through the Lens of the Document: Curating and Display in the 1980s and 1990s
Claire Hsu, Asia Art Archive 徐文玠 / 亞洲藝術文獻庫
14:20 Augmented Landscape: Chinese Contemporary Artists Recode Urban Space
Angela Becher, University of Manchester 貝安潔 / 曼城大學
14:45 From Painting to Performance to Participation: Chinese Engagements with European Modernism:Mainstreams and Margins in the Work of Chinese Artists in the Twenty-first Century
Katie Hill,Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London 何凱特 / 倫敦蘇富比教育學院
15:10 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A 15:40 Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 6: Institutional Collecting and Canon Formation
Chair: ZhangHongxing, Victoria and Albert Museum 張弘星 / V&A
16:10 Paintings by Masters ofthe So-Called Beijing School of Painting and Their Introduction to Europe inthe 1920s and 1930s
Michaela Pejcochova, National Gallery in Prague 貝米沙 / 布拉格國家畫廊
16:35 Considering Context: Exhibiting the Art of Hong Ling at the Chester Beatty Library
Mary Redfern, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Mary Redfern / 愛爾蘭切斯特比堤圖書館
17:00 Regional Museums and Temporary Exhibitions
Nicole Chiang, The Museum of East Asian Art, Bath 蔣得莊 / 巴斯東亞藝術博物館
17:20 Chair’s Remarks and Q&A
17:50 Discussion and Reflections on‘Ecologies of Art’
Chair: CraigClunas, University of Oxford 柯律格 / 牛津大學
Claire Hsu, Asia Art Archive 徐文玠 / 亞洲藝術文獻庫
Sarah E. Fraser, University of Heidelberg 胡素馨 / 海德堡大學
Jan Stuart, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery 司美茵 / 佛利爾美術館
Wang Chunchen, CAFA Art Museum 王春辰 / 中央美院美術館
Eugene Y. Wang, Harvard University 汪悅進 / 哈佛大學
18:10 Hong Ling’s Concluding Remarks 洪凌
18:20 Concluding Remarks
Shane McCausland, SOAS University of London 馬嘯鴻 / 亞非學院
18:30 Conference ends