Zhao Bo was born in Shenyang, China in 1984. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Lu XunAcademy of Fine Arts, got a Bachelor of Arts in 2007 and a Master of Arts in 2011. During this period, he went to the National Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo, Norway for exchange studies. Currently working and living in Shenyang.

Zhao Bo's works focus on the shaping of the postmodern social landscape by the digital revolution of information technology. By breaking the time and space boundaries between the virtual world and the real world and interweaving them chaotically, the narrative of the picture presents an epic sense of grandeur and sublimity. feel. Zhao Bo is fascinated by the tension in how the human body and consciousness interact with the universe. For him, reality is always obscured by illusions, and illusions themselves may have become reality. Art is to question the meaning of life and find an outlet for hope in these complex and ambiguous relationships.