Apocalypse - Zhao Bo Solo Exhibition

Jun 04 - Jun 26, 2011

Soka Art Taipei

“We are not that sensitive to politic like former generation. We care about our own living instead”

“My creations are showing this metaphysic reality to people, making them reviewing themselves from my creations.” Zhao Bo, 2011


Between winters and summers, a crowd of young artists sprout. They are called “the 80s”. They, who was born after 1980, act and live like Zhao Bo said. In short, they are innocent. They care about freedom, truth, environment and the mental status of theirs or even public’s. They speak no great speech nor chase the success which made by public media. They simply keep the instinct of life purely and naively. The creations of “The 80s-artists” are presenting the purity and truth under the bottom of their heart.


Zhao Bo was born in a city which is over developed by industry in the east-north of china. His creations precisely describe the terrible scenes of industrial ruins which are the price paid for modernization. His paintings are often added by some well-known signature of enterprises or some techno artificial devices. Those were unskilled ironies, however it expressed the conflicts which have not been faced by people directly. Those conflicts are playing every day in side of the heart of the 80s. The globalization consumes human souls. Architecture styles, foods, cloths, entertainments, and even politic systems are made the same by globalization and capitalism. “What hides behind the consumer’s behavior is one more victory of western capitalism” by Zhao Bo, 2011

Therefore, most of the 80s artists expressed their feelings and observations to country, to land and soil, even to their selves sincerely by the “Knowing to life and intuitions” (which is said by Mao Xu Huei, at the exhibition of “The Seed from the Cradle of Yu-Nan”, 2011, soka art center. The waste land in Zhao Bo’s paintings seems with some dim lights on it. Perhaps they were radio rays brought by astronauts, or might be the warm sun shine which makes flowers bloom. “The freedom and the liberation of awareness is at a situation which is amused and controlled, and is based on enormous physical and mental ruins.” Zhao Bo, 2011. Those dim lights in his creations are not made by painting skills. Those dim lights are the reflections of his devoted naïve life.